Loot V2 Update

Hello folks, this is the first major update of the game, or should I say the prototype of a game. 

- REWORKED LOOT: In the previous version there was no consistency when it comes to upgrading your loot. Passive items had a linear upgrade path with 3 levels. Spells had an opaque system where you would gain mastery levels when using them but there was no indication of what the actual mastery level entailed. Usables, due to them being a late addition had no means of upgrading at all. In this update, all loot pieces have unique perk trees, so you can choose which upgrades you want to buy. All loot can be discarded for a flat gold bonus plus a percentage of gold spent on perks for that piece. Maximum capacity of passive items you can carry has been changed to 8 (previously was unlimited)

- Elements of environment can be destroyed now and also can drop pickups.

- Introduced mouse cursor to some menus. Reworked map so instead of manually switching through available navigational points you can just hover over them and teleport

- Updated some visuals, added some particle effects and others

- Lowered the weapon recoil effect and decreased lerping of the camera towards the crosshair

- Myriad of bug fixes, including the major one that prevented player from leaving the trapped room after killing all enemies


Wormwood v.060621.3.zip 41 MB
Jun 12, 2021

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